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Technischer Imperativ und Legitimationskrise des Rechts

Technical Imperatives and the Crisis of the Legitimacy of Law. Vorwort von / Preface by Eugene Kamenka

1991. XV, 393 S.
Erhältlich als
109,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-07185-2
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109,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-47185-0
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Preis für Bibliotheken: 166,00 € [?]


Inhalt: A. Aarnio, Technical Imperative and the Legitimacy of Law - C. Faralli, The Concept of Law according to Dewey's Pragmatic Instrumentalism - S. Jørgensen, The Limits of Law - N. Luhmann, Der Ursprung des Eigentums und seine Legitimation. Ein historischer Bericht - K. Tuori, Goal-Oriented Legislation and the General Doctrines of Public Law - R. Voigt, Law as a Medium of Political Regulation - G. G. Washington, Intrasocietal and Intersocietal Moral Values and the Moral Leader in the Technological Age. Comments on Henri Bergson - Y. Aihara, Legitimität, Orthodoxie und Richtigkeit im »Buch von der wahren Gott-Kaiser-Herrschafts-Linie« (Jinnô-Shôtô-Ki) - T. M. Benditt, Liberal Morality - J. G. Cottingham, Retributive Punishment, the Moral Order and Determinism - C. D. Johnson, Individual and Collective Moral Norms: Two Models - C. W. Maris, Cultural and Ethical Relativism versus Universalism in Modern Linguistic Philosophy - A. Peczenik, Legal Rules and Moral Principles - O. Weinberger, Das Wesen der Regeln - J. Wróblewski, Law and Society: Basic Problems of Legal Axiology - T. D. Campbell, Justice and the Law of Contract - R. C. L. Moffat, Implicit Promise Keeping and Fuller's Internal Morality of Law - K. Nakamura, The Ideological Meaning of »Japanese Collectivism« and »Soft Individualism«. The Reception of Individualism in Japan - A. Sajó, Bargained Law: High-Risk High-Tech Regulation and Its Consequenes on the Structure of the Contemporary Law - C. L. Sheng, Comments on Rawls' Difference Principle as a Criterion for Distribution - A.-J. Arnaud, Raising Some Problems on the Closure of the Legal System - A. de Cervera, Of the Beginnings of Sovereign Groups - T. Hijikata, Das sich entwickelnde System. Die universale Theorie in den gegenwärtigen Wissenschaften - E. M. H. Hirsch Ballin, Connections and Tensions between the Legal System and Professional Codes. The Impact of Scientific and Technological Developments - C. Varga, Judicial Reproduction of the Law in an Autopoietical System? - C. Biagioli, Definitional Elements of a Language for the Representation of Statutory Texts - J. Bjarup, Science, Technology and Human Life. A Vital Question for Jurisprudence - W. Kilian, Auswirkungen der Informationstechnologie auf rechtliche Prinzipien - L. J. Mazor, Law and the Velocity of Information - T. Waldman, Some Beneficial and Detrimental Effects of Technology Upon Contemporary Societies. A Study in Social Philosophy - M. Yasaki, Can and Should the Law Respond to Our Society's Technological Needs?


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