Die Ad-hoc-Publizität in der Krise und Insolvenz des Emittenten
Public Disclosure of Inside Information During the Issuer’s Financial Distress and Insolvency Proceedings
2024. 225 S.
Available as
79,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-19290-8
expected to be available from September 2024
79,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-59290-6
expected to be available from September 2024
Price for libraries: 120,00 € [?]


»Public Disclosure of Inside Information During the Issuer’s Financial Distress and Insolvency Proceedings«: The thesis examines current developments relating to ad hoc publicity under capital market law in the pre-insolvency distress and restructuring, whereby a balance of interests is sought between the success of the restructuring on the one hand and capital market disclosure on the other. Furthermore, however, the position of duties in insolvency proceedings is also examined against the background of decreasing restructuring expectations, whereby the conflict of competence between the management board and the administrator is also resolved.

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