Drittstaaten und die Jurisdiktion des Internationalen Gerichtshofs

Die Monetary Gold-Doktrin

Third States and the Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice. The Monetary Gold Doctrine
2016. 439 S.
Available as
119,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-14387-0
119,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-54387-8
Price for libraries: 180,00 € [?]
149,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-84387-9
Price for libraries: 220,00 € [?]


»Third States and the Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice«

The International Court of Justice may decide a case between States only with the consent of the parties. In the leading Monetary Gold case of 1954, the Court further held that it could not decide a case in which the parties had given their consent, but in which the rights and duties of a third State that had not consented and was not a party formed the very subject-matter of the case. This book examines the considerations of principle behind the Monetary Gold rule, as well as its application.



Erster Teil: Grundlagen der Monetary Gold-Doktrin

Die Rechtsprechung – Die Begründung der Monetary Gold-Doktrin

Zweiter Teil: Inhalt und prozessuale Behandlung der Monetary Gold-Doktrin

Der Inhalt der Monetary Gold-Doktrin – Die prozessuale Behandlung der Monetary Gold- Doktrin – Exkurs: Die Anwendung der Monetary Gold-Doktrin durch andere internationale Gerichte




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