(Ed.) |  (Ed.) |  (Ed.)
Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik / Annual Review of Law and Ethics

Bd. 7 (1999). Themenschwerpunkt: Der analysierte Mensch / The Human Analyzed

1999. 1 Tab., 1 Abb.; VIII, 400 S.
Available as
129,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-09991-7
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Price for libraries: 196,00 € [?]
161,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-79991-6
Price for libraries: 239,00 € [?]


Volume seven of the Annual Review of Law and Ethics focuses on the ethical, legal and social implications of the Human Genome Project. In order to promote the interdisciplinary discussion of this topic contributions from various disciplines have been included. The authors are ethicists, natural scientists, lawyers, philosophers and economists from Austria, Canada, Great Britain, Israel, the United States and Germany.


Inhalt: L. M. Silver, Reprogenetic Technologies and the Forces that Will Drive Their Use - A. E. Sippel, The Naked DNA Information of Our Genome. How Much Does It Expose and Should We Worry About It? - G. Stock, The Prospects for Human Germline Engineering - B. Gert, Morality and Human Genetic Engineering - J. C. Heller, Assessing the Benefits and Harms of Human Genome Research for Those Whose Lives Depend on It - D. Heyd, Dignity in Gen-ethics - J. C. Joerden, Wessen Rechte werden durch das Klonen möglicherweise beeinträchtigt? - W. Kuhlmann, Bemerkungen zum Genom-Projekt - A. Zweig, Human Genes and Human Lives - R. B. Dworkin, The Human Genome Project's Implications for Autonomy, Respect, and Professionalism in Medical Genetics - E. Hilgendorf, Die mißbrauchte Menschenwürde. Probleme des Menschenwürdetopos am Beispiel der bioethischen Diskussion - E.-H. W. Kluge, Human Genome Research and the Law: The Ethical Basis of International Regulation - J. M. Loughrey, Legal Implications of Genetic Screening of Foetuses and Incompetent Children - L. Schulz, Die DNA-Analyse im Strafverfahren - M. Stauch, A Common Law Duty to Disclose Genetic Information - L. R. Cohen, The Human Genome Project and the Economics of Insurance: How Increased Knowledge May Decrease Human Welfare, and What Not To Do About It - J. M. Fegert, Eugenik und die Phantasie vom Designerkind aus kinder-, jugendpsychiatrischer und psychotherapeutischer Sicht - M. Gruter / L. A. Frolik, Genetic Knowledge, Deception and Self-Deception - M. Kettner, Applied Ethics, Human Rights, and the Governance of Big Science - P. Koller, Technische Entwicklung, gesellschaftlicher Fortschritt und soziale Gerechtigkeit. Am Beispiel der Humangenomforschung - T. Nenon / S. E. Stevens, Jr., Philosophical Theory, Scientific Practice, and Public Policy - U. Scheffler, Die Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichtshofes zur Strafbarkeit der Mitwirkkung am Suizid; besser als ihr Ruf? - M. Kaufmann, Spinoza und die Freiheit

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