Vergleich der Behandlung des Erlaubnistatbestandsirrtums nach deutschem und türkischem Recht
Comparison of the Treatment of Mistake of Objective Elements of Justification Reasons under German and Turkish Law
2024. 164 S.
Available as
69,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-19223-6
expected to be available from September 2024
69,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-59223-4
expected to be available from September 2024
Price for libraries: 106,00 € [?]


»Comparison of the Treatment of Mistake of Objective Elements of Justification Reasons under German and Turkish Law«: In the case of a mistake of objective elements of justification reasons, the offender mistakenly believes in the existence of justifying circumstances. Germany has no specific regulation but applies § 16 (1) of the criminal code by analogy, which addresses errors that remove intent, a generally accepted solution. Turkey treats this similarly to an error affecting fault through Art. 30 (3) of the criminal code, which leads to confusion. This study shows that the theories developed in German doctrine can improve Turkish law and emphasizes the need for systematic terminology for clear legal solutions.

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