Philipp Bender

Philipp Bender studied Law and Political Science at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn and at the Université de Strasbourg. In 2014 he passed the first State Examination at the Higher Regional Court in Cologne and completed his focus studies in Economics and Competition. In March 2019 he successfully completed his legal formation with the second State Examination. Since January 2010 he has been a research assistant of Professor Dr. Christian Hillgruber at the Institute of Canon Law in Bonn. He teaches courses in Constitutional Law.

Books by this Author

1 Hits

Die ersten Rheinstaatsbestrebungen 1918/19 in Zeiten des völker- und verfassungsrechtlichen Umbruchs

2019. 523 S.

from 119,90 €

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