Image: Milan Kuhli
Milan Kuhli

Milan Kuhli is Professor for Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure including its International and Historical Context at Hamburg University. Kuhli has graduated in law as well as in Medieval and Modern History and Political Science. He holds a Dr. iur. and a Dr. phil. from Goethe-Universität Frankfurt. In 2015 he gained a Venia Legendi for Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, International Criminal Law, Modern Legal History, Philosophy of Law, and Criminal Economic Law. Before joining Universität Hamburg in 2016 Kuhli was Assistant Professor of Criminal Law at Universität Mannheim.

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2022. 141 S.
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Zur Frage der Zulässigkeit von strafgesetzlichen Verweisungen auf Völkergewohnheitsrecht im Hinblick auf das Verbot der Strafbegründung durch Gewohnheitsrecht nach Artikel 103 Absatz 2 des Grundgesetzes

2010. 285 S.

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