Ausübung von Verwaltungszuständigkeiten durch Dritte

Gestaltungsformen und verfassungsrechtliche Rahmenbedingungen des öffentlich-rechtlichen Mandats

Exercise of Administrative Powers through Third-Party Bodies. Forms of Organization and Constitutional Framework Conditions of the Public Law Mandate
2024. 267 S.
Available as
79,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-18641-9
expected to be available from September 2024
79,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-58641-7
expected to be available from August 2024
Price for libraries: 120,00 € [?]


»Exercise of Administrative Powers through Third-Party Bodies. Forms of Organization and Constitutional Framework Conditions of the Public Law Mandate«: The public law mandate allows the administration to have itself represented by third parties in the performance of its duties. The study systematises forms of the mandate in contrast to the legal concepts of delegation and administrative assistance and determines when constitutional principles require its authorisation by a formal law. It illustrates that the administration is largely free to regulate its own external representation and provides recommendations for the structuring of mandate relationships in practice.

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