Image: Hermann Remsperger
Hermann Remsperger

Hermann Remsperger has been a Distinguished Fellow at the Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability (IMFS) since 2015. At the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank he was in charge of economics, statistics and research from 1998 to 2006. From 2006 to 2009 he was responsible for »International Relations«, representing the central bank at the EU, OECD, 67, G20 and the Financial Stability Forum. Before joining the Bundesbank, he had been chief economist at BHF-Bank for 14 years. At the same time, Remsperger taught as Honorary Professor at Goethe-University. As Chairman of the Foundation for Monetary and Financial Stability he also chaired the Board of Trustees of the IMFS since its establishment until 2015. In 2016, he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit first class.

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