Jonas Sauerwald

Jonas Sauerwald began his law studies at Philipps University in Marburg in the winter semester of 2017 and completed the first state examination in July 2021. After completing the first state examination, he pursued a doctorate under the supervision of Professor Dr. Constantin Willems. Alongside his doctoral studies, he worked as a research assistant at the chair of Professor Dr. Constantin Willems at Philipps University. In November 2023, he began his legal clerkship at the Regional Court of Kassel. He received his Doctor of Laws degree in January 2024 by the Faculty of Law at Philipps University Marburg.

Books by this Author

1 Hits

Deliktische und (quasi-)negatorische Ansprüche durch klimaschutzbezogene Verkehrspflichten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Art. 6:162 NBW

2024. 443 S.
Available as:  Book, Ebook

from 109,90 €

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