Massimo La Torre

Massimo La Torre is Professor in Philosophy of Law at the Law School of Magna Graecia University in Catanzaro, Italy, and a Visiting Professor of European Law at the Tallinn University. He is an international authority on European, Public and Constitutional Law. Currently he is working on the idea of European Citizenship, the concept of a constitutional state, and the comparative role of defense in different legislative systems. Massimo La Torre is the author of several books and articles in several different languages. In 2009 Massimo La Torre was honoured with the Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

Books by this Author

3 Hits

Rechtstheorie (RT), Volume 52, Issue 4
2021. p. 341–504

Contributions to a Conference at Tallinn University 7–8 February 2019. Sonderheft Rechtstheorie, 51. Band (2020), Heft 1

Rechtstheorie (RT), Volume 51, Issue 1
2020. p. 1–128

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