Image: Sönke E. Schulz
Sönke E. Schulz

Sönke E. Schulz is chief executive of the County Association (Landkreistag) of Schleswig-Holstein. Previously, he worked as a consultant for the public administration in Berlin and, as managing research assistant at the Lorenz-von-Stein Institute for Administrative Sciences, was responsible for numerous projects on administrative modernization and the digitalization of public government. He studied law and political science, passed both state examinations in law and received his doctorate with a thesis on constitutional law. He received his habilitation from the Faculty of Law at Kiel University with the thesis »Die Verwaltungsaufgabe – staatliche Aufgabenwahrnehmung im Wandel und deren organisationsrechtliche Abbildung« (translation: »The administrative task - the state's execution of tasks in change and their depiction in organizational law«).

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